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03000 41 3000

Telephone Helpline open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

Education Age 16-25

What are my education choices when I am 16?

When you are over age 16 you must be in education or training up to age 18 unless you are in full time employment. Your options are:

For further information about your options please see College, sixth form, employment and training

You can register with Kent Choices to search and apply for courses, see the Kent Choices website.

Kent Supported Employment can help you to find work experience that might lead to paid employment.

If you have difficulties with attending school or college, on-line learning may be an option for you, visit the NISAI website for more information.  If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan you will need to speak to your local authority case officer about this option.

Will I get help if I go to college?

All Further Education and sixth form colleges, 16-19 academies and independent special schools must not discriminate against anyone with a disability or a learning difficulty. They must also make it possible for you to go there and not be at a big disadvantage to other students.

How will the college know what help I need?

When you know what college you are going to, the college and your school will share information so that they are aware of what you need. If you have an Education Health Care plan then this will go with you if the plan is still needed and you can expect the same support from the college that you got at school. If you don’t have an Education Health Care plan, but have been getting extra help from the school the college will also be able to provide this. You will also be able to look around the college and meet with the SEN team.

What support will I get in college?

Special educational support might include:

  • accessible information, like symbol-based materials or tutor powerpoints
  • help with personal care (or access to it)
  • assistive technology, specialist tuition or note-takers
  • one-to-one and small group learning support
  • access to therapies
  • housing/independent living and travel training.

Please see our leaflet for more information:

Support in mainstream College

Do I need to have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) to get support in college?

No, the college must make sure you get the extra help you need. There should be a named person in the college for you to talk to.

The college should involve you in planning your support and keep records about the support given, and your progress. This should be regularly reviewed with you and your family.

If you need more help than an FE college can normally provide, you will need an Education Health and Care needs assessment.

Please see our leaflet for more information about Education Health and Care needs assessment.

Finding out what support you need

Can I get transport to school or college?

If you need transport to go to your school or college and you do not have an EHC plan, there will be a charge for this. KCC have a 16+ travel saver bus pass to help with spreading the cost of transport. You may be able to get a bursary, money that you, or your education or training provider, can use to pay for things like:

  • clothing, books and other equipment for your course
  • transport and lunch on days you study or train

Find out more about KCC transport policies

If there are special circumstances which makes it difficult for you to get to school or College, or you have an Education, Health, and Care plan you can contact the Transport Eligibility Team for advice. Details are within the 16-19 transport policy on the KCC website.

If you have an EHC plan and you are eligible, you can also access travel training or a personal transport budget, see the KCC website for details.

If you have any questions, please contact us on 03000 41 3000 or email

I am going to university – will I still get help?

Many Universities have support services. Universities are not covered by the Code of Practice so the support you get can vary. It is best to go and look around different universities to see how they can support you.

The UCAS website will give you more information

Visit UCAS website

Can I get financial help at university?

The Disabled Student’s Allowances can be claimed in addition to student finance loans and other grants you might receive. The Disabled Student's Allowance is dependent on your individual needs and doesn’t take into account any income you or your parents have. There are some eligibility criteria, see the website for more details.

Visit website

If you need help or support with this please contact:


What should I do if I feel discriminated against because of my disability?

When you are over age 16 and you have finished your compulsory schooling, discrimination cases are based on the Equalities Act (2010) and if you were to bring a case of discrimination against a college or university, the crown courts would hear it.

Discrimination arising from disability occurs if a student is treated unfavourably because of something connected to their disability and the response cannot be justified. If the person responsible for the discrimination does not know the individual is disabled (and could not reasonably be expected to know), then their behaviour can’t be unlawful.

You can follow this link for much more information:

Information on disability and discrimination