How can a Volunteer help?
Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) recruit volunteers to support us in providing independent support to parents/carers and young people age 16-25.
A volunteer can:
- help you through the maze of education and health and social care where it is linked to education
- help you to be fully involved as a partner in your or your child’s education
- listen to your concerns and help you to express your views
- help you to access relevant and up-to-date information
- explain about needs assessments, statements and Education, Health and Care Plans
- explain procedures and choices
- help you to fill in forms, write letters and reports
- go with you to meetings.
Volunteers receive training from the service and undertake the IPSEA on line training.
We provide on-going support for volunteers.
Become a Volunteer
If you are interested in being a volunteer please see the Volunteer Independent Support information below.
Uncategorised Downloads
If you would like to talk about the volunteering role please contact us on 03000 41 3000 or email iask@kent.gov.uk.