Face mask exemption cards for travel
Keepsafe have easy read posters and face mask exemption cards for travel to download and print off here. You can find government guidance 'Face coverings:when to wear one and how to make your own' here.
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Keepsafe have easy read posters and face mask exemption cards for travel to download and print off here. You can find government guidance 'Face coverings:when to wear one and how to make your own' here.
KCC have published an e-story book to help children who might be feeling a bit anxious about going back to school.
Whether your child or young person is already back at school or is returning in September, Incredible Kids have teamed up with Supportive Parents to create a handy guide to the changes in support that your child may face.
Secretary of State for Education issues a third notice to modify the duty relating to education, health and care (EHC) plans during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak: Children and Families Act 2014: EHC plans modification notice July 2020
The DfE have published the last in a series of home learning resources for children and young people with SEND. You can find out more here: https://www. gov. uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-online-education-resources/online-science-pe-wellbeing-and-send-resources-for-home-education#special-educational-needs-and-disabilities-send
The government have updated their guidance "Supporting children and young people with SEND as schools and colleges prepare for wider opening".
The Department for Education has decided to extend the changes for a local authority to act on provisions for children and young people with an EHC plan for a further month till end of June.
The government guidance on shielding and protecting extremely vulnerable people from Covid-19 has been updated, you can find the guidance here.
KCC Disabled Children’s Services are now able to offer families resources to help them during lockdown.
The government have published advice for parents and carers looking after children with special educational needs and discabilities (SEND), you can find it here: https://www. gov. uk/guidance/help-children-with-send-continue-their-education-during-coronavirus-covid-19